GCH (pending) RDR LY Vivian 3*M
Vivian is bred to Goat-San Creme De La Creme for May 2024 kids. ADGA National Show 2023 ~ 1st Place LaMancha Aged Doe (7 and Over) |
Vivian is one of our Scarlet Hills Elizabeth daughters, from when Elizabeth joined our herd after Janet sold out. Janet later got back into the LaManchas, and Elizabeth as well as several others returned to her herd.
Vivian is one we kept for ourselves though. She is so wide and level across her rump, has beautiful feet and legs, is naturally upstanding, and has an extremely well balanced, very correct mammary system. While she's the type of doe who took a while to mature and show her full potential, she's one of those does where it's truly hard to fault anything about her, and best to just appreciate each of her strengths as she develops them. |
Purebred LaMancha
Date of Birth: April 2016 Finished Champion Linear Appraisal History: DNA on File, Sire Qualified. Alpha S1 Casein: A/E Scrapie Report: NS/QQ |
SS: Goat-San Up in The Air *B
Sire: GCH Scarlet Hills Lose Yourself +*B SD: GCH Scarlet Hills Mi Chica Juanita 1*M SS: SG Hogg's-Hideaway Chalupa ++*B Dam: Scarlet Hills CM Elizabeth 2*M SD: GCH Scarlet Hills Marilyn 1*M |