RDR TC's Imperial 5*M
Imperial is one of Rachel's favorite does in the herd. It might be that she's the tallest, longest doe in the herd, it might be her nearly ideal topline, it might be that she's an absolute sweetheart, it might be that she's a combination of our two strongest dam lines. It definitely is not that "lovely" skintone change that cuts right through her foreudder.
But, regardless, she's a doe that we love, and are so grateful to have found her the perfect home, even if it means we won't get our daily hugs and kisses from her on the milkstand. |
Purebred LaMancha
Date of Birth: Feb 2014 1 Champion Leg Linear Appraisal History: 2018 EX90 EEEE 2016 VG88 VEEV Offspring in Herd: RDR Elysian Ventura RDR Elysian Trinity |
SS: GCH One*Oak*Hill Medicine Tumult ++*B
Sire: GCH RDR Tumult's Contagion +*B SD: SGCH RDR Farm Camille EX90 DS: GCH Scarlet Hills Lose Yourself +*B EX91 Dam: GCH RDR LY Mariposa 4*M EX91 DD: GCH RDR All Savona 3*M EX90 |