SG RDR Venchi ChaCha
Currently being dried off. Bred to Goat-San Old Fashioned for 2023 kids. ** 2018 Elite Doe |
ChaCha is Deb's heart goat. She was one of the highest producing young does that we've ever raised, but she milked and ate and hung out with the rest of the herd, and made being the top production doe in the barn look easy.
Its for the symmetry of her mammary system in side profile, the fullness of her rear udder down into the udder floor, the extension of actual productive tissue in her fore udder, and her overall dairy strength with her clean bone and angularity throughout, that really sets her apart. ChaCha is available to approved herds only. |
Purebred LaMancha
Date of Birth: March 2017 Linear Appraisal History: 2018 VG87 VVVE Offspring in Herd: RDR Humboldt Mambo RDR Humboldt Samba |
SS: SG Kastdemur's SA Stingray +*B
Sire: Kastdemur's Venchi *B SD: GCH Kastdemur's Ventura 4*M DS: SG Hogg's-Hideaway Chalupa ++*B Dam: SG RDR Chalupa Chitchat 5*M DD: GCH RDR Samson's Charisma 4*M |